Eligibility criteria for selection of candidates for various pre-sea training courses

D.G. Shipping Circular No. 7 of 2005
No.11-TR(21)/97 Dated: June 17, 2005
Sub: Eligibility criteria for selection of candidates for various pre-sea training courses
  1. This Directorate has issued various circulars prescribing eligibility criteria including age limit for the candidates undergoing pre-sea training in the maritime training institutes approved by Directorate General of Shipping. The Directorate has been continuously updating requirements for the trainees in order to enhance their employability in the national and international market. The Directorate has also been interacting with Indian and foreign shipowners and recruiting agencies to get regular feed back about their perception of Indian seafarers as well as international requirements to promote more employment for Indian seafarers.
  2. In a recent new initiative, the Directorate has authorized "Board of Examiners for Seafarers (BES)", an independent professional body to conduct All India Exit Examination for GP Rating trainees, on quarterly basis. The 1st examination of its kind was conducted in March,2005. This new initiative will ensure uniform application of the criteria of evaluation of ratings. During the interactive session with BES, many suggestion were received from experts. Based on evaluation of answer scripts of 653 ratings, BES has recommended improvement in the knowledge of English language for better employability of our seafarers.
  3. During a recent International Conference on Maritime Education and Training, speakers highlighted need for enhancing communication skill not only for Indian rating but even for Indian seafaring officers. In one of the papers presented during conference, it was highlighted that due to inadequate knowledge of English language, seafarers land in serious difficulty, particularly with multinational crew.
  4. Since English language is widely spoken internationally, lack in good command of this language would adversely affect the employment opportunities in foreign flag ships. Therefore, it has been decided to prescribe minimum percentage of marks in English language for GP Ratings and other pre-sea courses.
  5. The age limit for ratings was amended in the year 2002. The Directorate has been receiving feedback to consider measures to engage trainees at a younger age and, therefore, reduce the existing upper age limit for ratings. This will facilitate younger ratings being available to industry at par with international standards where younger ratings are joining ships from other manpower supplying nation.
  6. The above suggestions regarding age and English language were deliberated internally as well with representatives of Industry. After detailed discussion, maximum age of Indian ratings has been marginally reduced from 21 to 20 years. Similarly, it has been decided to stipulate minimum 40% marks in English language for ratings.
  7. In the above background and in supersession of this office Training Circular No. 10 of 2002 dated 28.08.2002, M.S.Notice No. 24 of 2002 dated 03.10.2002, M.S.Notice No. 6 of 2003 dated 19.02.2003 and Training Circular No. 26 of 2004 dated 18.8.2004 and all other circulars issued in this regard and in pursuance to:
  8. - Merchant Shipping (Apprenticeship to Sea Service) Rules, 1960, amended in 1973,

    - Merchant Shipping (Continuous Discharge Certificate-cum--Seafarer�s Identity Document) Rules, 2001 and

    - Merchant Shipping (STCW) Rules, 1998,

  9. the Director-General of Shipping and Ex-officio Addl. Secretary to the Government of India is hereby pleased to prescribe the following criteria for the selection of candidates by the training institutes or workshops for various pre-sea training courses: -
  10. Sr.No. Name of course Minimum Academic Qualification Maximum Age limit
    1. 6 months pre-sea course for General Purpose Rating Pass with aggregate 40% marks in 10th Standard from a recognized Board with Science, Mathematic as subjects and with minimum 40% marks in English language. 20 years
    2. 6 months pre-sea course for Saloon Rating Pass with aggregate 40% marks in 10th standard from a recognized Board with English as a subject with minimum 40% marks in English language. 20 years.
    3. 6 Month Pre-Sea Course for General Purpose Rating for Fitters/Petty Officers. Pass in 2-Year I.T.I. course from Govt. Approved Institute with minimum 50% aggregate marks in final year and minimum 40% marks in English at 10th or Diploma Exam. 20 years.
    4. One year Pre-Sea Diploma in Nautical Science leading to B.Sc Nautical Science. (IGNOU) (a ) Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 55%
    (b ) B.Sc. in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or Electronics with Physics as individual subject in one of the year, with an average of not less than 55% of marks in the final year.
    (c ) B.E./B. Tech. Degree from I.I.T. or from a college recognized by AICTE The candidates should have obtained 50% marks in English language at 10th or 12th Std or in the Degree course conducted by recognized Board or any University..
    Note :
    (i) The above eligibility criteria is applicable for candidates selected through entrance examination conducted by IGNOU. However, for INSA/FOSMA/MASSA company sponsored candidates average of 60% in PCM and 50% in English language is required.
    20 years
    22 years
    24 years
    5. 3-Year B.Sc. Degree in Nautical Science Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60% and with 50% marks in English language at 10th or 12th std exam. 20 years
    6. 3 year Polyvalent (Dual certification) course leading to B.Sc (Maritime Science) Degree Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60% and with minimum of 50% in English language at 10th or 12th std exam. 20 years
    7 1-year Marine Engineering Course. Graduation in BE (Mechanical) Engineering / Naval Architecture with minimum marks of 50% in final year and with minimum 50% marks in English language at 10th or 12th or in Degree Exam. 24 years
    8. 18 months training in approved marine workshops Graduation in Electrical or Electrical and Electronics Engineering with minimum marks of 50% in final year and with minimum 50% marks in English language at 10th or 12th or in Degree Exam. 24 years
    9. 2-year Marine Engineering course (a) Pass Diploma in Mechanical /Marine/ Naval Architecture / Electrical / Electrical and Electronics Engineering with minimum marks of 50% in final year and with minimum of 50% marks in English language at 10th, 12th std or Diploma exam
    (b) Passed Diploma in Shipbuilding Engineering with minimum marks of 50% in final year (4 year course) and with minimum of 50% marks in English language at 10th, 12th std or Diploma exam.
    22 years
    23 years.
    10. 2 1/2 years course for Marine Engineering under Alternate Training Scheme Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60% and with minimum 50% marks in English language at 10th or 12th std exam. 20 years
    11. 4-Year Degree course in Marine Engineering (a) Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60%

    (b) Candidate can join 2nd year of 4-Year Marine Engineering Degree Course provided he has passed 1st year training from the Alternate Training Scheme, approved by D.G. Shipping (This will not be applicable to MERI.)

    (c ) Candidates can join 2nd year of 4-Year Marine Engineering Degree Course who have passed 1st year from the Engineering College in other streams like Mechanical or Electrical approved by AICTE with minimum 60% average marks

    (d ) Candidates can join 2nd year of 4-Year Marine Engineering Degree Course who have passed 3 years Diploma Course in Mechanical / Marine / Electrical / Electrical and Electronics from the colleges approved by AICTE or State Board of Technical Education with minimum 55% of aggregate marks in the last year of Diploma Course.

    The candidates should have obtained with minimum of 50% marks in English language at 10th or 12th Std or in the Degree / Diploma course conducted by recognized Board or any University.
    20 years

    22 years

    22 years

    22 years
    12 4-year Workshop Training Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60% and with minimum 50% in English language at 10th or 12th std exam. 20 years

  11. Transparency of selection procedure:
    The requirements specified above with regard to the academic qualification are the basic minimum and the training institutes/workshops are to select candidates on merit. The selection procedure should be absolutely transparent and given in detail in advertisement as well as in admission brochure. Since the candidates are required to work in adverse condition on board ships and required to be physically and mentally strong, the institutes/workshops are to ensure that the candidates selected for pre-sea training are physically fit and medically examined as per Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination Rules) 2000 dated 19.01.2000. It will be the responsibility of training institutes to ensure that the candidate is medically fit as stipulated and admission should be granted only after this criteria is met with. In case any admission is given to medically unfit candidate, Directorate will consider such case major misconduct on part of the institute and shall be liable for action as per DGS Order 1 of 2003.
  12. Requirement of English:
    Candidates for short term courses at Sr. No. 1 to 3 above should have passed in the English language as a subject with minimum 40% marks at either 10th or 12th standard or in the Degree / Diploma course, conducted by the recognized Board or any University. Candidates for course meant for officers at Sr. No. 4 to 12 should have obtained 50% marks in English at 10th or 12th standard or in the Degree / Diploma course conducted by the Board or any university.
  13. Cut-off date for Age-limit:
    The Director-General of Shipping lays down hereby that the candidate should be within the prescribed age as on the date of the commencement of the course.
    In order to bring uniformity for examinations etc, all short-term courses viz. GP Rating and Saloon Rating shall commence only on the first working day of the January, April, July and October of each year. Admission for short term courses i.e. Sr.No. 1 to 3 could be given to candidates who have completed 17 1/2 years of age.
  14. Exemption for selection through IIT-JEE:
    This DGS Circular shall not be applicable for the candidates recruited through IIT-JEE by the maritime training institutions in consultation with Director General of Shipping.
  15. Entry into force:
    This Circular shall be effective from 01.08.2005 for all the courses. Training Institutes/workshops and other concerned stakeholders may, study this Circular carefully and implement the directives in strict compliance, and also give wide publicity thereto.

G.S. Sahni)
Director General of Shipping &
ex. officio Additional Secretary to Govt.of India

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