Merchant Shipping (Radio)) Rules, 1983-Corrigendum Dated 04.12.1989


(Shipping Wing) 

New Delhi, the 4th December, 1989 


            GS.R. 1036(E):- In the Merchant Shipping (Radio) Rules, 1983, published with the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Shipping and Transport (Shipping Wing) G.S.R. No.15(E), dated the 7th January, 1983 at pages 38 to 81 of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (1), dated the 7th January, 1983. 

(1)        At page 39-- 

            rule 2—                       

                        (i)         clause (ii) line 3, for "audio" read "audio"                       

                        (ii)         clause (XIV), line 3, for "800", read "300"; 

(iii)        clause (xvii) (a), line 1, for "telegraph" read "telegraphy" 

(2)        at page 40 -- 

(a)        rule 3, clause (b), line 11, for "transire", read "transit" 

            (b)        rule 4, sub-rule (2), line 3, for "whihe" read "which"; 

(c)        in rule 4, sub-rule (3), line 2, for "Central Government", read "the Central Government" 

(d)        in rule 7, sub-rule (2), line 1, for "wring" read "wiring"; 

(3)        at page 41---                       

(a)        in rule 8, sub-rule (1), line 2, for "provide" read "provided";           

(b)        in rule 10, sub-rule (1), clause (b), line 2, for "asociated", read "associated"; 

(c)        in rule 10(i) sub-rule (2), line 7, for "and repairs" read " and for repairs" ;

(ii) sub-rule (3), clause (a)(i), line 4, for ‘which’ read “where”

(4)        at page 42. 

(a)        in rule 10—(i) sub-rule (10), line 2, for "cord" read 'card" and in line 4, for "even" read " event" ; 

            (b)        in rule 11, 

(i)         provio to sub-rule (1), line 7, for "that" read "the" 

(ii)         sub-rule (3), clause (c), line 2, for "matter" read "manner";

(iii)        sub-rule (4), clause (a), line 3, for “transmitters” read “transmitters”

(c)        in rule 12-(i) sub-rule (1), clause (b), lines 3-4, omit "[6] Kilometeres for the main transmitter and" ; 

(ii)         sub-rule-(3), line 3, for "500 KHz", read "500 KHz A2" 

(5)        at page 43-- 

(a)        in rule 12-sub-rule(4), line 6, for "500 KHz" read "500 KHz A2" 

            (b)        in rule 13,--- 

(i)         sub-rule (3)(a), for line 3, read "consist of accumulator batteries which shall be"; 

(ii)         sub-rule (3) (b) for line 1, for "Theoswitch"; read "The switch"; 

            (iii)        sub-rule (5), line 10, for "failing", read "falling"; 

(6)        at page 44--- 

            in rule 15, sub-rule (1), clause (a), line 1, for "officer", read "officers" 

(7)        at page 46--- 

            in rule 20,--- 

(i)         sub-rule (2), line 2, add comma after "shall" and in line 6, for messages", read "message"; 

(ii)         sub-rule (6), line 1, omit "the first radio officer"; 

(8)        at page 47--- 

Part-III (heading), for "RADIO TOLEGRAPH", read "RADIO TELEHONY"; 

            (a)        in rule 22, sub-rule (3), 

(i)         clause (i), line 6, for "ampers", read "amperes" and in line 8, for "lead out", read "lead-out"; 

(ii)         clause (ii), line 1, for "transmitting" read "transmitter" and in line (4), for "(2) 7.5 read "(A) 7.5"; 

(iii)        clause (ii) (a), line 3, for "one-hal" , read "one-half"; 

            (b)        rule 23,--- 

(i)         sub-rule (1) clause (ii), line 2, for "direct supply", read "direct current supply";                       

(ii)         sub-rule (2) clause (b), sub-clause (i), line 3, for "speck" read "speech" 

(9)        at page 48-- 

(a)        in rule 24, clause (b), line 4, for "main" read "the main" and in line 5, for "which" read "where"; 

            (b)        in rule 25,  

(i)         sub-rule (2), line 7, for "Telegraph", read "Telephone" and in line 11, for "telegraphy" read "telephony" 

(10)       at page 49-- 

(a)        in rule 25, sub-rule (3), for "telegraphy" read "telephony"; 

(b)        in rule 28, sub-rule (2), line 3, for "or" read "of" and in clause (c), line 1, for "occurring his", read "occurring during his "; 

(11)       at page 50-- 

(a)        in rule 28, sub-rule (4), clause (d) (iv), line 1, for "of" read "or"; 

(b)        in Part-IV, (Heading), for "REQUIREMENT"; read "EQUIPMENT"; 

            (c)        in rule 30, line 4, for "1981" read "1982" 

(12)       at page 51-- 

            in the First Schedule, Part---1,--- 

(i)         item 2, line 8, for "class a@ class11", read "Class A211" 

                        (ii)         item 3, line 5, for "513", read "512"; 

(iii)        item 5(i), line 7, for "compenent", read "component"; 

                        (iv)        item 5(2), for the formula below line 4, read --- 

                                    " 100                                                     100 x f  " 

                                    "W = 1    500 …  W                               1     500 ; 

(v)         item 5(3), line 3, for "power 2" read "power between 2"; 

                        (vi)        item 6(2); line 1, for "no" read "not"; 

                        (vii)       item 9, line 3, for "106" read "106";           

(13)       at page 52-- 

            (a)        in the First Schedule, Part-I 

(i)         in item 10(1), line 5, for "harmonies" read "harmonics" and in sub-rule (2), line 5, "Hz" read "A2" 

(ii)         in item 11(2) lines 3 and 4 for "Switched" read "switched"; 

(iii)        in item 11(4), line 3, the words "of this Schedule" may be added after the figure "V"; 

(iv)        item 12, line 1, for "arrangement" read, "arrangements"; 

                        (v)         item 13, line 2, for "in" read "an" 

(vi)        item 14, line 13, for "emplifier(s)" read "amplifier(s)"; 

                        (vii)       item 15, line 2, for "vhere" read "where"; 

            (viii)       item 15(a), line 6, for "and" read "shall";                       

            (b)        in the First Schedule, Part-II 

                        (i)         item 1(i), line 1, for "redle" read "radio"; 

(ii)         item 1(i), line 11, the commaappearing after "(1) may be deleted: 

(14)       at page 53--- 

            in the First Schedule Part -II 

                        (i)         item 2 (Table), line 4, for "KHz" read "MHz"; 

(ii)         item 2(Table), line 5, for "275" read "27.5" 

(iii)        item 3, Sub-rule (2), lines 2 and 3, for "inoptrative" read "inoperative"; 

(iv)        item 4(4), clause (b) (Table), line 2, for "104" read "10" 

                        (v)         item 5(1), line 2 and 4 for "OHm" read "ohm"; 

(vi)        item 6 (Table), line 24, the word "greater" may be added between the words "frequency" and "than"; 

(15)       at page 54-- 

            (a)        in the First Schedule, Part-ii-- 

(i)         item 6(2), clause (a), line 1, for "rations" read "ratio" 

(ii)         item 6(3), clause (b), line 2, for "Hz" read "MHz"; 

                        (iii)        item 7, line 8, for VUlt" read "Volt"; 

                        (iv)        item 8(1), line 4, for “of” read “or” 

(v)         item 8(1), line 7, the word "and" may be added between the words "output" and "the"; 

(vi)        item 11(a), clause (iii), line 1, the words "the receiver is adjusted to give the" may be added before the word "standard";               

 (16)       at page 55--- 

            in the first Schedule, Part-II--- 

(i)         item 11(a), clause (iv), line 5, for "applies" read "applied"; 

            (ii)         item 11(b), clause (iii), line 5, for "100" read "15"; 

            (iii)        item 15, line 1, for "non-Liner" read "Non-liner"; 

(iv)        item 15(1), line 5, for "Simultaneously" read "Sinusoidally"; 

(v)         item 16(a), in line 2 and 3, for "fre-quency" read "frequency" 

            (vi)        item 16(b), line 1, for "(b)" read "(a)"; 

(17) at page 56--- 

            in the First Schedule, Part-II-- 

            (i)         item 16(a) (Table), line 2, for "104" read "104" ; 

            (ii)         item 16(b) (Table), line 2, for "104" read "104

(iii)        item 16(c) (Table), line 2, for "5 0C" read "50 0C at both places; 

            (iv)        item 16(c)          (Table), line 2, for "104" read "104" ; 

            (v)         item 17(2), line 3, for "best" read "beat"; 

            (vi)        item 18(1), line 2, for "produced" read "produce"; 

(vii)       item 18(2), clause (c), line 1, for "serial" read "aerial"; 

(viii)       item 18(2), clause (c), line 5, for " 4 x 10-10" read "4 x 1010; 

(18)       at page 57--- 

            (a) in the First Schedule, Part-II-- 

(i)         item 7, line 3, the word "relays" may be added after the word "critical" 

(ii)         item 7, line 4, the word "relays" may be omitted;

(b)        in the First Schedule, Part-III; item 8, line 3 for "106" read "106" ; 

(19)       at page 58-- 

            (a)        in the First Schedule, Part-IV--- 

(i)         item 7(1) (Table), line 12, for "6020 KHz" read "20 KHz"; 

            (ii)         item 7(2), line 2, for "repose" read "response"; 

(20)       at page 59--- 

            in the First Schedule, Part-IV--- 

            (i)         item 9 (Table), line 2, for "MHz" read "KHz"; 

            (ii)         item 10, line 3, for "out put" read "output";           

            (iii)        item 13(i), line 5, for "MHz" read "KHz"; 

(iv)        item 13(2), clause (a), line 4, for "signal noise" read "signal/noise" ; 

(v)         item  14(a) (Table), Col. 2, line 2, for "104" read "104" ; 

(21)       at page 60--- 

            (a)        in the first Schedule, Part IV--- 

(i)         item 14(C), line 2, for "0 0C to 50 C" read 00 to 50 0C ; 

                        (ii)         item 15, line 5, for "30000" read "3000" ; 

(iii)        item      16(1),    line 3, for "220 KHz" read "200 Hz" ; 

(iv)        item 17(2), clause (d), line 5, for "4 x 10—10" read "4 x 10—10; 

            (b)        in the first Schedule, Part V--- 

                        (i)         item 1(2), clause (b), line 2, for "4" read "3"; 

(22)       at page 61--- 

            (a)        in the First Schedule Part-V-- 

(i)         item 3(1), clause (c), line 2, for "and" read "followed by 2 dashes each of 10 to 15 seconds duration"; 

            (b)        in the Second Schedule, Part-I--- 

                                    (i)         item 2(1), line 2, for "AH" read "A3H"; 

                                    (ii)         item 5(5), line 1, for "Tht" read "The"; 


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