Merchant Shipping (Examination of Masters and Mates) Rules, 1985

(Transport Wing) 

New Delhi, the 3rd September, 1985

             G.S.R. 712(E).--- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 83 and clauses (b), (C)  and (d) of section 87 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958) and in supersession of the rules relating to the examination of Masters and Mates, 1934, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules namely :-- 



            1.         Short title, commencement and application.--- (1) These rules may be called the Merchant Shipping (Examination of Masters and Mates) Rules, 1985. 

            (2)        Save as otherwise provided in sub-rule (3) the provisions of these rules shall come into force six months after the date of publication of these rules in the Official Gazette. 

            (3)        The provisions of sub-rules (3), (4), (5), (6) and 7 of rule 12 shall come into force on such date not being a date earlier than the date of commencement of the provisions referred to in sub-rule (2) as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different provisions. 

            (4)        They shall apply to--- 

                        (a)        any candidate who is a citizen of India;

(b)        a candidate who is a citizen of a country other than India in respect of which a declaration by notification in the Official Gazette has been made by the Central Government under section 86 of the Act, to the effect that any certificates of competency granted under the laws in force in that country specified in the said notification shall be recognized as equivalent to the corresponding certificate of competency granted under the Act; and 

(c)        any other candidate permitted to be examined under these rules by a special order of the Central Government. 

            2.         Definitions.—In these rules unless the context otherwise requires :-- 

(a)        "Act" means the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958). 

(b)        "Appendix" means an Appendix appended to these rules; 

(c)        "Approved" means approved by the Director General of Shipping; 

(d)        "Chief Examiner" means the Chief Examiner of Masters and Mates; 

(e)        "Continuous Certificate of Discharge" means a Certificate issued under Merchant Shipping (Continuous Discharge Certificate) Rules, 1960; 

(f)         "doubled watch" in relation to watch keeping service means the period when a senior of the two officrs present takes charge of the watch there by relieving the junior officer of the responsibility for the watch; 

(g)        "effective charge" in relation to watchkeeping service means assuming full responsibility for the watch but does not preclude occasional supervision by a senior officer; 

(h)        "examiner" means the examiner of masters and mates appointed under section 79 of the Act; 

(i)         "Form" means respective form specified in Appendix "H" ; 

(j)         "Qualifying sea service" means the service performed in the deck department of any trading ship at sea while such vessel is commissioned into service including reasonable time spent in dry deck or while undergoing hull or deck repairs or handling cargo unless expressly provided other wise; 

(k)        "trading ship" means a foreign going or a home trade ship; 

                        (l)         "Watch-keeping service" means :-- 

(i)         the service during which a candidate has been in full charge or, as the case may be, in effective charge of a watch for not less than eight hours out of every twenty four hours of service claimed, or 

(ii)         The service during which a candidate has been in full charge or, as the case may be, in effective charge of a watch for not less than six hours out of every twenty four hours if he has carried out additional routine duties in connection with the maintenance of the ship for not less than two hours in every twenty four hours period of service claimed, and, in either case, such service shall include reasonable time spent in dry dock or while undergoing hull or deck repairs or while handling cargo in the port. 

            3.         Grades of examination for certificates of competency.—(1) Examination in accordance with these rules shall be held for certificates of competency for the following grades, namely :-- 

                        (a)        (i)         Master of a Foreign-going ship;

(ii)                 First Mate of a Foreign-going ship,

(iii)                Second Mate of a Foreign-going ship;

(iv)                Extra Master


(b)        (i)         Master of a Home Trade Ship;

                                    (ii)         Mate of a Home Trade Ship.


                        (c)        Navigational Watch-keeping Officer. 

            (2)        Every successful candidate shall be granted a certificate of competency for the respective grade, in accordance with the provisions of these rules in the appropriate form prescribed in the Merchant Shipping (Certificate of Competency) rules, 1961. 




            4.         Second Mate of foreign going ship.—(1) Examination for the certificate of competency as second mate of a foreign going ship shall be held in five Parts, namely :- 

            (i)         Part 'A'              -           written

                        (ii)         Part 'B'              -           written

                        (iii)        Part 'C'              -           written

                        (iv)        Part 'D'              -           orals

                        (v)         Part 'E'              -           Signals. 

            (2)        Every candidate for examination in Part 'A' (written) shall :-- 

                        (a)        not be less than seventeen years of age; 

(b)        have completed an approved pre-sea training course, or, in lieu thereof have an approved qualifying service of six months in Deck Department of a a foreign going ship, and 

(c)        satisfy the Chief Examiner that he has attained a standard equivalent to higher secondary school certificate at 10 + 2 level in Physics and Mathematics, or has passed the examination for certificate of competency as a navigational watch-keeping officer under rule 8.

            (3)        No candidate shall qualify for appearing for Part B, C and D and E unless he has passed the examination in Part 'A' specified in sub-rule (2) and has completed twenty years of age : 

            Provided that a candidate, otherwise eligible, may appear for examination on completion of nineteen and a half years of age in which case the certificate shall not be issued to hi, if he passes, until completion of the age of twenty years. 

            (4)        Subject to the provisions of rules 21 to 36 (in-clusive) every such candidate shall have three years of qualifying service in the Deck Department of a foreign going ship of which :-- 

(a)        at least three months service shall have been performed in the eighteen months immediately preceding the month of examination; and 

(b)        at least six months service shall have been performed on duties associated with watchkeeping on navigating bridge under the supervision of a certificated officer. 

            (5)        Every such candidate shall be in possession of the following additional Certificate, namely :-- 

(a)        Radar Observer's Certificate granted under rule 12. 

(b)        Certificate of proficiency in survival Craft granted under rule 12. 

(c)        First Aid at Sea Certificate granted under rule 12. 

(d)        If the candidate is a citizen of India, satisfy the Chief  Examiner that he has knowledge of Hindi :           

            Provided that a candidate otherwise eligible may be permitted to appear for the examination before obtaining any of the above certificates in which case the Certificate of Competency shall not be issued until all the aforesaid Certificates are produced. 

            (6)        Any candidate who helds the certificate of competency as a Navigational Watch-keeping Officer shall if he complies with the requirements of sub-rule (4), be exempted from :-- 

                        (i)         Whole of Part 'B' 

(ii)         The whole of Part (C) excepting the paper or Principles of Navigation and 

                        (iii)        the whole of Part 'D' 

            5.         First Mate of a foreign going ship.—(1)(a) Examination for the Certificate of Competency as First mate of a foreign going ship shall be held in four parts namely :-- 

            (i)         Part 'A'              -           written

                        (ii)         Part 'B'              -           written

                        (iv)        Part 'C'              -           orals

                        (v)         Part 'E'              -           Signals. 

            (b)        Any candidate who hold the Certificate of Competency as Second Mate of a Foreign Going ship shall be permitted to take the examination in Part 'A' (written) without showing proof of any additional sea service. 

            (2)        Every candidate for Parts B, C and D of the examination for Certificate of Competency as First Mate of a foreign-going ship shall be not less than twenty one years of age.              

            (3)        Subject to the provisions of rules 25 to 29 (inclusive) and rule 31 every such candidate shall have, after obtaining the Certificate of Compentency as Second Mate of a foreign going ship at least one year's Watch Keeping service on a foreign going ship including at least 3 months' service within 18 months immediately preceding the month of examination. 

            (4)        Every such candidate shall be in possession of the following additional certificates namely :-- 

(a)        Certificate of Proficiency in fire-fighting granted under rule 12, and; 

(b)        First Aid at Sea Certificate granted under rule 12: 

            Provided that a candidate may be permitted to appear for the examination before obtaining any of the above Certificates in which case the Certificate of Competency shall not be issued until both the aforesaid Certificates are produced. 

            6.         Master of Foreign Going Ship.—(1) Examination for the Certificate of Competency as Master of a foreign going ship shall be held in three Parts namely :-- 

                        (i)         Part 'A'  -           written

                        (ii)         Part 'B'  -           written

                        (iii)        Part 'C'  -           written           

            (2)        Every candidates for examination for certificate of competency as Master of a foreign-going ship shall not be less than twenty three years of age. 

            (3)        Subject to the provisions of rules 25 to 29 (inclusive) and rule 31 every such candidate shall have:- 

(a)        at least two year's watch keeping service as holder of a certificate of competency as second mate of a foreign going ship; and 

(b)        at least one year's watch keeping service as holder of a certificate of competency as first mate of a foreign going ship including at least three months' watch-keeping service within 18 months immediately preceding the month of examination 

            (4)        Every candidate who has been granted a certificate of competency as Master of a home trade ship may be examined for certificate of competency as Master of a foreign going ship provided that he has served for three years as a Mate or a Master of a home trade ship while holding the certificate of competency as Master of a home trade ship granted under these rules.

            (5)        Every such candidate shall be in possession of the following additional certificates, namely :- 

(a)        Radar Simulator Course Certificate granted under rule 12; 

(b)        Ship Master's Certificate in Medicaire granted under rule 12; 

(c)        Certificate of Proficiency as Radio Telephone Operator (inland Maritime) granted under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator's Certificate of Proficiency and Licence for operation of Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954; 

(d)        Certificate of Proficiency in Fire-fighting granted under rule 12; 

(e)        Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft granted under rule 12; and 

(f)         If the candidate is a citizen of India, working knowledge of Hindi: 

            Provided that a candidate may be permitted to appear for the examination before obtaining any of the above certificates in which case the certificate of competency shall not be issued until the aforesaid certificates are produced. 

            7.         Extra Master.—(1) The examination for the certificate of competency as Extra Master shall be a written examination conducted in the following three Parts, namely :-- 

                        (i)         Part-A

                        (ii)         Part-B

                        (iii)        Part-C

            (2)        Every candidate for a certificate of competency as Extra Master shall be in possession of the Certificate of Competency as Master of a foreign going ship. 

            (3)        Every such candidate shall have attended a course of instructions at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical and Engineering College, Bombay or any other approved institution for a period of not less than nine months. 

            (4)        A candidate who holds a degree of a recognized University in Physics and Mathematics and any other candidate who in the opinion of the Chief Examiner has attained equivalent standard shall be exempted from Part A of the examination. 

            (5)        Parts A, B and C of the examination for certificate of competency as Extra Master may be attempted together or separately and a pass in any one Part shall be valid for all time. 

            8.         Navigational Watch-keeping Officer.---(1) Examination for the Certificate of Competency as Navigational Watch-keeping officer shall be held in five Parts namely :-- 

                        (i)         Part A   -           written

                        (ii)         Part B   -           written

                        (iii)        Part C   -           written

                        (iv)        Part D   -           orals

                        (v)         Part E   -           signals 

            (2)        (a)        Every candidate for examination in Part 'A' for certificate of competency as navigational watch-keeping officer shall not be less than seventeen years of age. 

                        (b)        Every such candidate shall have completed an approved pre-sea training course or in lieu thereof shall have at least six months qualifying service in the deck department of a trading ship. 

            (3)        No candidate shall qualify for appearing for Parts B, C, D and E unless he has passed the examination in Part 'A' specified in sub-rule (2) and has completed 19 years of age : 

            (4)        Any candidate who holds a Certificate of Competency as Mate (H.T.) shall be exempted from Part "C" of the examination. 

            (5)        Subject to the provisions of rules 21 to 36 (inclusive) every such candidate shall have three years of qualifying service in the deck department of a trading ship or which :-- 

(a)        at least three months' service shall have been performed within 18 months immediately preceding the month of examination; and 

(b)        at least six months' service shall have been performed on duties associated with watchkeeping navigating bridge under the supervision of a certificate officer. 

            (6)        Every such candidate shall be in possession of the following additional certificates, namely :- 

(a)        Radar Oberver's Certificate granted under rule 12. 

(b)        Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft granted under rule 12. 

                        (c)        First Aid Certificate granted under rule 12. 

(d)        If the candidate is a citizen of India, working knowledge of Hindi : 

            Provided that a candidate may be permitted to appear for the examination before obtaining any of the above Certificates in which case the Certificate of Competency shall not be issued until all the aforesaid Certificates are produced. 

            9.         Mate of Home Trade Ship.—(1) Examination for the certificate of competency as Mate of a home trade ship shall be held in four Parts, namely :-- 

                        (i)         Part      A          -           Written

                        (ii)         Part      B          -           Written

                        (iii)        Part      C          -           Orals

                        (iv)        Part      D          -           Signals 

            (2)        Every candidate for Certificate of Comptency as Mate of a home trade ship shall not be less than twenty-one years of age. 

            (3)        Subject to the provisions of rules 21 to 36 (inclusive) every such candidate shall have watch keeping service of not less than one year whilst holding certificate of competency as navigational watch keeping officer or second mate of a foreign going ship including at least 3 months watch keeping service within 18 months immediately preceding the month of the examination. 

            (4)        Every such candidate shall be in possession of the following certificates, namely :- 

(a)        Radar Observator's Certificate granted under rule 12;           

(b)        Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft granted under rule 12; 

(c)        Certificate of Proficiency in Fire Fighting granted under rule 12; 

                        (d)        First Aid Certificate granted under rule 12; and 

(e)        If the candidate is a citizen of India working knowledge of Hindi : 

            Provided that a candidate otherwise eligible may be permitted to appear for the examination before obtaining any of the above certificates in which case the certificate of competency shall not be issued until all the aforesaid certificates are produced. 

            10.        Master of a home tradeship—(1) Examination for a Certification of Competency as Master of a home tradeship shall be held in two Parts, namely :-- 

                       (i)         Part A   -           Written 

                        (ii)         Part B   -           Orals 

            (2)        Every candidate for a certificate of competency as Master of a home trade ship shall not be less than twenty-three years of age. 

            (3)        Subject to the provisions of rules 25 to 29 (inclusive) and rule 31 every such candidate shall have-- 

(a)        at least two years watch-keeping service as holder of a certificate of competency as second mate of a foreign-going ship or a navigational watch-keeping officer; and 

(b)        at least one year's watch-keeping service as holder of a certificate of competency as first mate of a foreign-going ship certificate of a home trade ship; including at least three months' watch-keeping service within eighteen months immediately preceding the month of examination; 

            (4)        Every such candidate shall be in possession of the following additional Certificates, namely:-- 

(a)        Radar Simulator Course Certificate as granted under rule 12; 

(b)        Ship Master's Certificate is Medicaire granted under rule 12; and  

(c)        Certificate of proficiency as Radio Telephone Operator (Inland Maritime) granted under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator Certificate of Proficiency and Licence to operation of Wireless Telegraphy Rules, 1954; 

(d)        Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft granted under rule 12; 

(e)        Certificate of Proficiency in Fire Fighting granted under rule 12; and 

(f)         In the candidate is a citizen of India, working knowledge of Hindi: 

            Provided that a candidate may be permitted to appear for the examination before obtaining any of the above certificate in which case the Certificate of Competency shall not be issued until the aforesaid Certificates are produced. 

            11.        Tabulation of eligibility requirements. ---For facility of reference, the requirements of the Part have been specified in a tabulated form in Appendix 'A' 

            12.        Additional Certificates: 

            (1)        Radar Observer's Course Certificate.---(a) The Radar Observer's Certificate shall be granted on successful completion of an approved Radar Observer's Course.

            (b)        Any cadet or apprentice who has performed eighteen months qualifying sea service and any other candidate who has performed two years qualifying sea service shall be eligible to obtain the Radar Observer's Certificate. 

            (c)        The duration of an approved Radar Observers Course shall be not less than two weeks and its syllabus shall be as prescribe in Appendix "B". 

            (2)        First Aid Course Certificate.—(a) The First Aid Course Certificate shall be granted on successful completion of an approved First Aid Course; 

            (b)        The First Aid Certificate shall be valid for not more than three years; 

            (c)        An approved First Aid Course shall consist of lectures and practical demonstrations as per syllabus prescribed in Appendix "C".

            (3)        Proficiency in Fire Fighting Certificate.--- (a) Certificate for proficiency in Fire Fighting shall be granted on successful completion of an approved Fire Fighting Course. 

            (b)        Any candidate who has performed two years' qualifying sea service, shall be eligible to obtain a Certificate of Proficiency in Fire Fighting; 

            (c)        The duration of approved Fire Fighting Course shall be not less than one week and its syllabus shall be as prescribed in Appendix "D". 

            (4)        Radar Simulator Course.--- (a) Radar Simulator Course Certificate shall be granted on successful completion of an approved Radar Simulator's Course. 

            (b)        Any candidate who holds a certificate of competency as First mate of a foreign going ship or Mate of a Home Trade Ship shall be eligible to obtain a Radar Simulator's Certificate. 

            (c)        The duration of an approved Radar Simulator's Course shall not be less than one week and its syllabus shall be as prescribed in Appendix "E". 

            (5)        Ship Master's Certificate in Medicaire. –(a) Ship Master's Certificate in Medicaire shall be granted on successful completion of an approved Ship Master's Medicaire Course. 

            (b)        Any candidate who has performed at least two years' watch keeping service and holds a valid First Aid Certificate, shall be eligible to obtain Ship Master's Certificate in Medicaire Course. 

            (c)        The duration of an approved Ship Master's Medicaire Course shall not less than two weeks and its syllabus shall be as prescribed in Appendix "F". 

            (6)        Certificate of Proficiency as Radio Telephone Operator (Indian Maritime).—(a) Certificate of Proficiency shall be granted under the provisions of and in accordance with syllabus prescribed by the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator's Certificate of Proficiency and Licence for operation of Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954. 

            (b)        The examination for the certificate of proficiency as Radio Telephone Operator (Indian Maritime) shall be held by the Wireless Adviser to the Government of India at dates and places appointed by him.        

            (7)        Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft.—Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft shall be granted on successful completion of an approved course in Proficiency in Survival Craft. 

            13.        Sight Tests.—(1) Every candidate for examination for Certificate of Competency of any grade shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), pass the letter test specified in Appendix "G" : 

            Provided that under special circumstances a candidate may be permitted to appear for the examination for certificate of competency of any grade before passing the appropriate sight test, in which case the certificate of competency shall not be issued until he passes the appropriate sight test, and if he falls, the examination for certificate of competency given by him shall not be deemed to be valid, and no refund him shall not be deemed to be valid, and no refund of examination fee shall be made in any such case. 

            (2)        Every candidate for examination for a certificate of competency as a navigational Watch Keeping Officer and every other candidate who appears for examination for a certificate of competency of any grade for the first time shall, in addition to the letter test specified in sub-rule (1) pass the appropriate lantern test specified in Appendix "G" before appearing for the examination. 

            (3)        For the purpose of this rule a pass in sight test shall be deemed to be valid for a period of six months.  



            14.        Application forms .—(1) Any candidate satisfying the requirements of rules 1 to 10 (inclusive), may apply for appearing for the certificate of competency examination to which he is eligible, in form A. 

            (2)        All entries in the application form shall be filled in accurately.  Particulars respecting sea service, watch keeping service and the rank held by the candidate while performing such service as specified in the appropriate columns of the application form shall correspond with documentary proof produced in support thereof.  Any discrepancy in such particulars with reference to articles of agreement shall render the application invalid, unless any such discrepancy or gap in sea service is explained by the candidate to the satisfaction of the examiner. 

(3)        An application shall be made to the Mercantile Marine Department at the port of examination as early as possible and in any case not late than ten days before the date of commencement of the examination. 

(4)        Every such application shall clearly state the Part or Parts of the examination that the candidate wishes to appear in any particular month. 

            15.        Documents to accompany application.—(1) Every application shall be accompanied by certificate of nationality, certificate of birth, testimonials complying with the requirements of these rules, continuous certificate of discharge, certificate of competency or service, if any, additional certificates complying with the requirements of rule 12 and evidence of having passed in appropriate sight tests complying with the requirements of rule 13: 

            Provided that in the case of a candidate who is a citizen of India, the certificate of birth or a certificate of naturalization shall also be accepted as a Certificate of Nationality. 

            (2)        For the purposes of sub-rule (1), a candidate who is a citizen of a country other than India shall produce official documents testifying his nationality. 

            (3)        Where by reason of testimonials produced under sub-rules (1) and (2) a candidate is considered to have neglected to join a ship after having signed the Articles of Agreement, or to have been found guilty of gross misconduct on board he may be required to produce satisfactory proof of good conduct at sea for additional sea service not exceeding two years. 

            16.        Testimonials.—(1) Every candidate for examination for certificate of competency for any grade shall produce the certificate specified in sub-rule (2) duly signed and attested.  The Certificate shall testify the character, including sobriety, ability and experience of the candidate as assessed by the master on the basis of the candidate's performance on board the ship for full period of the qualifying sea service, or as the case may be, watch keeping service.  In the case of watch keeping service such certificate shall be in Form B stating in addition the exact nature of service and rank on board for the period to which the certificate relates. 

            (2)        Testimonials for any such service shall-- 

(a)        when performed on an Indian ship, or on a ship registered in a country other than India in respect of which a declaration has been made under section 86 of the Act, be signed by the Master;    

(b)        when performed on a ship registered in any other country be signed by the master and be attested by: 

(i)         diplomatic or consular officer of the country in which the ship is registered; or 

(ii)         an official authority of that country who is normally charged with similar functions. 

            17.        Enquiries in respect of sea service .—(1) where any candidate desires to have his sea service or as the case may be, watch keeping service, assessed under these rules, he may submit his application in accordance with rule 14 to the Principal Officer of the Mercantile Marine Department of any district for such assessment. 

            (2)        Where any candidate is not satisfied with assessment of his sea service or, as the case may be, watch keeping service under sub-rule (1) he may apply to the Chief Examiner of Master and Mates through the Mercantile Marine Department of any district for reassessment of his service citing reasons which lent ground for his dis-satisfaction.  Every such request shall be accompanied by an application prescribed under rule 14 and documents, testimonial etc. required under rule 15.  Every such application shall be considered on its merits by the chief examiner whose decision shall be final. 

                        (3)        Other enquiries.—All other enquiries pertaining to any aspect of the examination shall be addressed to the Principal Officer of the Mercantile Marine Department of any district stating the point on which clarification is sought.  such enquiries shall be accompanied by necessary documents for verification. 

            18.        Fees.—Every application shall be accompanied by appropriate fees specified in Appendix 'I'. 

            19.        Medical Fitness.—(1) Every candidate appearing for examination for any grade of certificate of competency shall produce a certificate of physical fitness from a registered medical practitioner in Form C. 

            20.        Fraud misrepresentation, bribery. (1) Any person who makes, causes to be made or assists in making any false representation for the purpose of obtaining for himself or for any other person a certificate of competency, shall be liable for prosecution under sections 182 and 420 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and if any such person be the candidate for the examination for any certificate of competency or for any examination for any additional certificates specified in rule 12 he shall also be liable for action under the provisions of rule 57. 

            (2)        Any attempt of offering illegal gratification to any public servant working in the department which is concerned any way with the conduct of the examination for certificates of competency or for any examination for any additional certificates specified in rule 12 shall be construed as misconduct within the meaning of these rules.  Any such person shall be liable for criminal proceedings permissible under any law for the time being in force in India besides any action under these rules. 


Assessment of Qualifying Sea Service or Watch Keeping Service of Apprentices Cadets and Certificated Officers 

            21.        Remissions.—(1) A candidate for the examination of certificate of competency as Second Mate of a foreign-going ship or Navigational Watch Keeping Officer shall be eligible for remission in qualifying sea services as specified hereinunder subject to a maximum remission of twelve months. 

            (2)        Any candidate who produces a Certificate from the Captain Superintendent of the Training Ship "Rajendra" or similar appropriate authority of any other approved training ship testifying to his good conduct and proficiency shall be eligible to remission in sea service to the following extent:- 

(a)        In the case of a candidate who has completed the training course on board the Training Ship "Rajendra" after having been admitted thereto in the year 1975 or thereafter.—Full time subject to a maximum of 12 months. 

(b)        In the case of any other candidate.—Half the time spent on board the Training Ship subject to a maximum of 12 months. 

            (3)        A candidate who has spent time under training in the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical and Engineering College, Bombay, shall on production of a certificate from the Principal of the College, respecting his period of attendance, conduct and proficiency while in colleges, be eligible for such remission to the extent of half the time spent by him in the college, subject to a maximum of three months. 

            (4)        A candidate who has obtained additional Certificate granted under sub rule (1), (2) and (7) of rule 12 shall, on production of such Certificate be eligible for a remission of two weeks in the qualifying sea service, subject to provisions of sub rule (1) of this rule : 

            Provided that a candidate who has not completed the above Courses before appearing for the examination of certificate of competency as a Second Mate of a foreign going ship or a Navigational Watch Keeping Officer may be allowed such remission for the purpose of appearing for that examination. 

22.                    Institution in other countries – (1) Where a candidate, whether a citizen of India or any other country, has spent any time in a training ship or a shore based Nautical School or College in a country other than India in respect of which a declaration has been made by the Central Government under section 86 of the Act, he shall be eligible for remission in qualifying sea service to such extent as he would have been eligible for, had he appeared for the examination for the Certificate of Competency in that country

             Provided that the total period of remission allowed to any such candidate shall not exceed twelve months. 

            (2)        Grant of remissions under sub-rule (1) shall only be permissible if the candidate satisfactory documentary proof showing the extent of remission he would have been eligible for in the country in which he had received training either in training ships or in shore based Nautical Schools or College, if he had appeared for examination in that country. 

23.        Recognition of other Training Ships and shore based Nautical Schools and College.---(1) Any Training ship or a shore based Nautical School or College other than those specified in rule 21 or rule 41 may apply to the Director General for grant of remission in qualifying sea service in lieu of time spent by a candidate in the said training ship or, as the case be, Nautical School or College. 

            (2)        On receipt of any such application the Director General may require the syllabus, curriculum and the mode of training of such institution to be inspected and investigated as may be deemed necessary by the Chief Examiner, and on receipt of his report, direct the extent of remission that may be permitted in lieu of time spent by any candidate in any such institution. 

            24.        Qualifying Sea Service for Apprentices and Cadets.—(1) Nothwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule 4 or sub-rule (5) of rule 8 an apprentice or cadet shall be eligible for appearing for examination for Certificate of Competency as Second Mate of a foreign going ship or Navigational Watch Keeping Officer after completing thirty months of sea service if he has either completed an approved training course in any institution recognized under sub-rule (2) of rule 21 or has successfully pursued a course of training during his sea service as an apprentice or cadet.  Any such apprentice or cadet shall in addition be entitled to claim remission as may be admissible under rules 21, 22, or 23 but in no case shall a candidate be admitted to the examination until he has completed a minimum period of eighteen months service at sea. 

            (2)        Every candidate who claims assessment of sea service in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall be required to produce evidence of having completed an approved course of training and to submit an approved Cadet's Record Book showing therein the details of training received during his apprenticeship or, as the case may be, cadetship.  Such record book shall also show the period of service performed on duties associated with keeping a navigational watch.  If on examination of such record book, the Examiner is satisfied that the apprentice or cadet has, satisfactorily completed the training course in lieu of which assessment of sea service is claimed under sub-rule (1) he may assess the sea service of such apprentice or cadet accordingly.  Where in the opinion of the Examiner, the apprentice or cadet has not satisfactorily completed the course or where the apprentice or cadet has not performed duties associated with keeping a navigational watch he may assess such qualifying sea service in accordance with sub-rule (4) of rule 4 or as the case may be sub-rule (5) of rule 8 and rule 35. 

(3)        For the purpose of sub-rule (1) the qualifying sea service shall be determined by reference to appropriate certificate from owners or masters of the ship, cadet's record book and the indentures, if any. 



            25.        General.--- (1) Qualifying sea service or, as the case may be, watch keeping service, shall count from the commencement of a ship's voyage to the termination of such voyage.  Where a ship is laid up in a port for an unreasonably long period, that is to say that the ship has been laid up in a port for a period exceeding one-third of the total voyage period or for four weeks whichever is the less, such period shall not count towards qualifying service, or, as the case may be, watch keeping service. 

            (2)        Entries in the Continuous Discharge Certificate shall constitute evidence of sea service.  Any tampering with such entries shall render a candidate disqualified for appearing for examination for a certificate of competency of any grade for a period of twelve months. 

            (3)        Qualifying sea service or, as the case may be, watch keeping service rendered on a trading ship shall be assessed in accordance with rule 26.  Service in non-training ship shall be assessed in accordance with Part III of this Chapter.  Where a candidate render mixed service, that is to say he renders a part of the service on foreign going ships, a part of such service on home trade ships and a part on other non-trading ship; all such service shall be counted towards qualifying sea service or watch keeping serice pursuant to the requirement of Part III of this Chapter. 

            (4)        Where watch keeping service of any officer includes doubled watches during a voyage only two thirds of the actual watch keeping time so served shall count, subject to a maximum of nine months. 

(5)        The qualifying sea service or as the case may be, watch keeping service will be reckoned by calendar months i.e. the time included between any given date in any month and the preceding day of the following month inclusive.  The number of completed months shall first be computed, after which the number of odd days be counted.  When computing total service the odd days shall be added together an reckoned at 30 days a month. 

            26.        Service in Trading Ships.---(1) Qualifying sea service, or, as the case may be, watch keeping service required under these rules for examination for certificates of competency as Master, First Mate or Second Mate of a foreign going ship shall if rendered on a foreign going ship, count in full towards, requisite service subject to the provisions of rule 25. 

            (2)        Where any candidate appearing for examination for Certificate of Competency as Master, First Mate or Second Mate of a foreign going ship has rendered qualifying sea service or, as the case may be, watch keeping service on home trade ships only two-thirds of the actual time so served shall count towards qualifying service, subject to the requirement of rule 25. 

            Provided that where a home trade ship on any voyage covers a non-stop distance of not less than 500 miles, the service on that ship during such period shall be deemed to be equivalent to corresponding service on a foreign going ship and shall count in full towards qualifying service, subject to the approval of the Chief Examiner. 

            (3)        Application for treating service rendered on home trade ships as equivalent to corresponding service on foreign going ships under sub-rule (2) shall be forwarded to the Chief Examiner together with a declaration signed by the owner or master of the ship giving particulars specified hereinunder in respect of each such voyage, namely :-- 

            (i)         name of the ship ; 

(ii)         name of the port of departure on voyage covering a non-stop distance of 500 miles or over; 

                        (iii)        date of sailing from the port of departure; 

                        (iv)        date of arrival at the port of call. 

            (4)        each such application shall be considered on its merits by the Chief Examiner whose decision shall final.  In addition, Chief Examiner may, for the purpose of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 and sub-rule (3) of rule 6 accept any service rendered by a candidate as a watch keeping officer on a home trade ship while holding a certificate of competency as Second Mate or a First Mate of a foreign going ship if he is satisfied that--- 

(i)         the service involved actual responsibility and the candidate was in sole charge of watch at sea; 

(ii)         the greater part of the service comprises of voyage in respect of which the extreme ports visited were not less than 500 miles apart; 

(iii)        voyage of less than 500 miles in distance do not account for more than one-third of the period of service; and 

(iv)        the voyage do not comprise of regular runs between near neighbouring ports requiring less than two watches. 

            (5)        Where a candidate has servied on a trading ship other than an Indian ship employed in foreign going trade or home trade of any other country, his sea service shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this rule provided that such service is supported by testimonials in accordance with the provisions of rule 16. 


            27.        Assessment of Sea Service on Non-trading ships.---(1) Sea service or as the case may be, watch keeping service in the following types of ships which go to sea shall be submitted to the Chief Examiner for consideration and any decision of the Chief Examiner regarding acceptance of such service and the extent upto which it may be so accepted, shall be final :-- 

(a)        Ships employed by port authorities such as dredgers, hopper barges, pilot vessels, survey vessels, etc. 

                        (b)        Light house tenders; 

                        (c)        Defence department vessels;

(d)        Cable ship or fleet auxiliaries other than freighting tankers; 

                        (e)        Oceanographic exploration or research vessels; 

(f)         Off-shore supply ships and other such crafts used in off-shore drilling operations; 

                        (g)        Execursion ships; 

                        (h)        Trawlers or deep sea fishing vessels; 

                        (i)         Sailing or power propelled vacants. 

            (2)        Sea-service, or as the case may be, the watchkeeping service on ships and crafts specified in sub-rule (1) shall be assessed taking into account. 

                        (a)        area of operation; 

                        (b)        length of voyages; 

(c)        actual period of stay in port and at sea; and the nature of operations performed in port and at sea; and 

(d)        nature of duties performed by the concerned officer beyond watch-keeping duties, if any. 

            (3)        Application for assessment of sea service on ships specified in sub-rule (1) shall be submitted to the Principal Officer, Mercantile Marine Department of the district concerned with testimonials giving details of particulars required by sub-rule (2).  Such testimonials shall be endorsed by the Master and the owner. 

            (4)        In every case assessed under the previsions of this rule, the candidate shall be required to perform qualifying sea service, or as the case may be watch keeping service of at least six months on trading ships. 

            28.        Service in Tugs.—(1) Service in tugs employed beyond smooth or partially smooth waters in the home trade shall count in full towards the qualifying sea service, or, as the case may be, watch keeping service required for examination for certificates of Competency as Master or Mates of a Home Trade Ship or navigational watch keeping officer. 

            (2)        Service performed in foreign going tugs shall count towards the qualifying sea service, or, as the case may be, watch keeping service "required for the examination for the Certificate of Competency as master.  First Mate and Second Mate of a foreign going ship" provided that the candidate has rendered service of not less than six months on a foreign going ship. 

            29.        Service in Freighting Tankers of the Indian Navy.—Sea Service, or, as the case may be, watch keeping service in the freighting tankers of the Indian Navy by civilian personnel shall count in full towards the qualifying sea service, or as the case may be, watch keeping service for examinations for all certificates of competency prescribed in these rules.  The sea service or, as the case may be, watch keeping service shall be assessed as foreign going or home trade depending on the tonnage of the ship and area of operation.  Application of each such candidate shall be forwarded to the Chief Examiner for assessment with detailed particulars of service rendered. 

            30.        Assessment of Service of persons engaged in duties other than in the Deck Department.—Qualifying sea service shall normally be performed in the deck department of a trading ship.  Where however any candidate employed otherwise than in the deck department performs sea service in the deck department in addition to the normal duties, such service shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (2). 

            (2)        Assessment of qualifying sea service of any person employed on board a ship otherwise than in the deck department shall be made having regard to the following factors, namely :- 

                        (a)        nature of the normal duties of the candidate; 

(b)        nature of additional deck duties claimed to have been performed by the candidate; 

(c)        period for which deck duties were performed, whether such duties were performed regularly for a continuous period without break or there has been any break in such service; and 

(d)        if there has been interruption between two spells of deck service, the duration of such interruption. 

            (3)        Application for assessment of sea service shall be forwarded to the Chief Examiner for consideration.  The Chief examiner shall consider each application on merits and where he is of the opinion that the service rendered by a candidate is acceptable as qualifying service he shall determine the duration of additional sea service that the candidate shall perform in a trading ship exclusively in the deck department before being considered eligible for appearing for a certificate of competency examination.  Such period shall in no case be less than twelve months. 

            31.        Service in the Indian Naval Reserve.—Sea-going and shore based service in the Indian Naval Reserve of officers and midshipmen shall be accepted as qualifying sea service or, as the case may be watch keeping service as follows subject to a maximum of six months for each examination. 

(a)        For examination for Certificate of Competency as Second Mate of a foreign going ship navigational watch keeping Officer.

(i)         Full time spent by officers and midshipmen in training on board seagoing ships; and 

(ii)         Time spent by officers and midshipmen in training on shore establishments to the same extent as that of an officer of the Indian Navy under rule 41. 

(b)        For examination for Certificate of Competency as Master of a foreign going ship, or First Mate of a foreign going ship or Master of a home trade ship or Mate of a home trade ship-- 

(i)         Half of the time spent by officers below the rank of sub-licutenant while under going training whether on a sea-going ship or in shore based institution; 

(ii)         Full time spent by an officer on temporary duty on board a sea-going naval ship. 




            32.        General.—Sea service performed by seamen in the deck department of a training ship sea service performed by deck sailors or by visual signaling sailors in the communication branch of the Indian Navy shall be assessed subject to provisions of this part. 

            33.        Qualifying Sea Service.—(1) Any sea service performed in the capacity of a seaman in the deck department of a trading ship shall count in full towards qualifying service for examination of Certificate of Competency as second mate of a foreign going ship or navigational watch keeping officer of a ship respectively, subject to provisions of rule 26. 

            (2)        Any sea service performed by a seaman as a member of general purpose crew on a trading ship shall be assessed at two-thirds rate towards qualifying service for examination for Certificate of Competency as second Mate of a foreign going ship or navigational watch keeping officer subject to provisions of rule 26. 

            34.        Naval Sailors.—Any sea service performed by sailors in the deck department on board sea going ship of the Indian Navy shall be assessed at two thirds of the actual service claimed. 

            (2)        Any sea service performed by visual signaling sailors in the communication branch on board sea going ships of the Indian Navy shall be assessed, to a maximum of twenty-four months--- 

(a)        at one third of the actual service claimed for the examination of Certificate of Competency as second mate of a foreign going ship; or 

(b)        at one half of the actual service claimed for the examination of Certificate of Competency as navigational watch keeping officer. 

            35.        Eligibility to appear for examination for certificate of competency.---Any seaman in the deck department, any member of the general purpose crew or any naval sailor or any other candidate who has performed qualifying service of thirty six months within the meaning of rule 30 and 32 to 34 both inclusive, may be permitted to appear for the examination for Certificate of Competency as Second Mate of a foreign going ship or as navigational watch keeping officer of a ship subject to the candidate satisfying other conditions of eligibility specified in rule 4 or rule 8 : 

            Provided that any such candidate who has not served on duties associated with bridge watch keeping on trading ships may be permitted to appear for the examination and if he passes the examination he shall be issued an intimation to that effect in the form D.  The relevant Certificate of Competency shall be issued only after the candidate has performed the requisite sea service of six months in trading ships in the respective trade on duties associated with bridge watch keeping under the supervision of a qualified officer. 




            36.        Eligibility of Naval Officers who do not possess full Watch Keeping Certificates---(1) Any commissioned special duty officer in the executive branch of the Indian Navy who has served on a sea going ship of the Indian Navy but does not possess a full naval watch keeping certificate may appear for the examination for Certificate of Competency as a second mate of a foreign going ship or navigational watchkeeping officer or Mate of a home trade ship. 

(2)(a)     Every such candidate for the examination for Certificate of Competency as second mate of a foreign going or navigational watch keeping officer shall comply with the requirements of rule 4 or as the case may be rule 8. 

(b)    Every such candidate subject to the provisions of rule 41 shall have three years qualifying service on a seagoing ship of the Indian Navy as an Executive Officer; 

(c)     Every such candidate shall have served on trading ship for a minimum period of six months when engaged on duties associated with bridge watch keeping under the supervision of a qualified officer. 

(3)        Every such candidate for the examination for a Certificate of Competency as Mate of a Home Trade Ship shall comply with the requirements of sub-rule (1) and (2) of rule 9.  Every such candidate shall-- 

(a)        subject to the provisions of rule 41, have five years qualifying service on a sea going ship of the Indian Navy as an Executive Officer of which at least two years shall be on watch keeping duties; and           

(b)        have served on trading ship for a minimum period of six months when engaged on duties associated with bridge watch keeping: 

            Provided that any commissioned special duty officer who has performed the required service on a naval ship but has not performed the service in trading ship prescribed in clause (c) of sub-rule (2) and clause (b) of sub-rule (3) may be permitted to appear for the examinations for Certificate of Competency. In any such case, candidate who passes the examination shall be issued with an intimation to that effect in the form D.  The relevant certificate of Competency shall be issued only after the candidate has performed the requisite sea service. 

            (4)        The provisions of Chapter VI shall apply to the commissioned special duty officers for examination of Certificate of Competency in the like manner as they apply to other candidates. 

            37.        Eligibility of Naval Officers in possession of full Watch Keeping Certificate.---Any midshipman, commissioned officer in the Executive Branch in the Indian Navy including a Special Duty Officer, in possession of a full Naval Watch Keeping Certificate may appear for the examination for the Certificate of Competency as Second Mate.  First Mate or a Master of a foreign going ship (hereinafter referred to as "Navy Limited Examination") in accordance with the provisions of rules 38 to 45 both inclusive, if he has performed minimum sea service in naval ships and trading ships to the extent required by rules 38, 39, or 40 as applicable ; 

            Provided that a commissioned officer or a midshipman who has performed the required service in naval ship but has not performed such service in a trading ship, may be permitted to appear for Navy Limited Examination.  In any such case, candidate who passes the examination shall be issued with an intimation to that effect in the Form D.  On production of such intimation together with satisfactory evidence with respect to performance of requisite sea service on a trading ship, a Certificate of Competency of the appropriate grade shall be issued to such candidate at any later date. 

            38.        Second mate of a foreign going ship—(1) Every candidate for Navy Limited Examination for a certificate of Competency as second mate of a foreign going ship; shall not be less than twenty years of age and shall comply with the provisions of sub-rule (5) of rule 4. 

            (2)        Every such candidate, subject to provisions of rule 41 shall have the following sea service, namely :-- 

(a)        qualifying sea service of thirty months on a sea going ship of the Indian Navy as a midshipman (executive) or as an Executive Officer. 

(b)        six months service on trading ship engaged on duties associated with bridge watchkepping. 

            39.        First Mate of a foreign going ship.---(1) Every candidate for the Navy Limited Examination for the Certificate of Compentency as First Mate of a foreing going ship shall not be less than twenty-one years of age and shall comply with the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule 5. 

            (2)        Every such candidate shall have subject to the provisions of rule 41 the following sea service, namely :- 

(a)        4½ years of service on sea going ships of the Indian Navy of which at least 2 years of service shall be on watch keeping duties; 

(b)        six months service on a foreign going ship engaged on duties associated with bridge watch keeping. 

            40.        Master of a foreign going ship.---(1) Every candidate for Navy Limited Examination for Certificate of Competency as Master of a foreign going ship shall not be less than twenty three years of age and shall comply with the provisions of sub-rule (5) of rule 6. 

            (2)        Every such candidate shall have, subject to the provisions of rule 41, the following sea service, namely :- 

(a)        six years of service on sea going ships of the Indian Navy of which at least 3½ years shall be on watch keeping duties after obtaining the full Naval watch keeping Certificate: 

(b)        six month's service in a foreign going ship engaged on duties associated with bridge watch keeping: 

            Provided that the requirements of sub-rule (2) shall not apply to any officer to whom certificate of service as Master of a foreign going ship has been issued under Section 80 of this Act prior to the coming into force of these rules. 

            41.        Remission in sea service for Naval Officers.---Any midshipman or officer of the Indian Navy appearing for any examination for Certificate of Competency under these rules shall be eligible for remission in sea service as specified below, subject to a maximum of 12 months : 

(a)        time spent Naval Cadets at the National Defence Academy, Khadekvasla shall be counted as sea service of 6 months provided the candidate has completed the training and has successfully passed the final examination conducted at the National Defence Academy. 

(b)        time spent by Naval Cadets or Sub-Lieutenants at the Naval Academy, Cochin shall count at one half rate towards sea service required subject to a maximum of six months provided the candidate produces a certificate from the Naval Headquarters showing his satisfactory attendance at the Naval Academy. 

(c)        time spent in training courses by an officer not below the rank of acting sub-Lieutenant at the I.N.S. "Venduruthy" shall count at one half rate towards sea service required subject to a maximum of six months provided the candidate produces a certificate from the Naval Headquarters showing his satisfactory attendance at such courses. 

            42.        Application of officers.—Any midshipman or officer of the Indian Navy including a special duty officer satisfying the requirements of rule 37 to 40 both inclusive, may apply for appearing for the Navy Limited Examination in Form B. 

            43.        Documents to accompany application.---(1) Every application shall be accompanied by Certificate of Birth, Certificate from Chief of Naval Staff or any other person appointed by him in this behalf stating the full particulars of qualifying sea service or, as the case may be watch keeping service performed by the candidate in the Indian Navy along with particulars in respect of the naval watch keeping certificate and of any training undergone in the training establishments within the meaning of rule 41, testimonials in accordance with rule 16 in respect of sea service in the merchant navy, if any, and certificate of competency or service, if any. 

            (2)        Application shall be made to the Principal Officer of the Mercantile Marine Department of the port of examination opted by the candidate through the Chief of Naval Staff so as to reach him not later than one month before the date of commencement of examination Fees specified in Appendix I shall be forwarded to the Principal Officer directly. 

            44.        Application of Rules.  The provisions of rule 13, rules 19 and 20 and Chapter VI except rules (58) and sub-rule (1) of rule 59 and Chapter VII shall apply to candidate appearing for the Navy Limited Examination in the same manner as they apply to other candidates. 

            45.        Examination.---(1) The Navy Limited Examination for certificate of competency as Second Mate of a foreign going ship shall consist of--- 

(i)         written examination as specified in clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 46. 

                        (ii)         orals; and 

                        (iii)        signals. 

            (2)        The Navy Limited Examination for Certificate of Competency as First Mate of a  foreign going ship shall consist of--- 

(i)         written examination as specified in clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 46; 

                        (ii)         orals; and 

                        (iii)        signals. 

(3)        The Navy Limited Examination for Certificate of Competency as Master of a foreign going ship shall consist of :- 

(i)         Written examination as specified in clause (c) of sub-rule (1) of rule 48; and 

                        (ii)         Orals. 

            (4)        Syllabus for the written, oral and signal Parts of examination for grades referred to in sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) shall be as specified in Appendix J

            46.        Written Examination.---(1) Subjects for each grade of examination, time allowed for answering the question paper in respect of each subject, total number of marks required to be obtained for passing that paper shall be as specified in the table hereunder :

Subject Time allowed
in hours
Total marks % pass
1 2 3 4

(a)        Second Mate (F.G.)
Part 'A'

1.Nautical Physics
2.Nautical Mathematics  




Part 'B'

3. General ship knowledge
4. Bridge equipment & Watch Keeping
5. Meteorology




Part 'C'

6. Practical Navigation
7. Chartwork
8. Principles of Navigation




(b) First Mate (F.G.)
Part 'A'

1. Radio and electronics

Part 'B'

2. Practical Navigation
3. Chart work
4. Ship construction and stability
5. Safety, cargo work and Ship maintenance     







b) Master (F.G.)
Part 'A'

1. Ship construction & stability
2. Commercial & legal knowledge and ship management

Part 'B'

3. Radio Navigational Aids
4. Safety, cargo work and Ship maintenance     








(2)        Any candidate appearing for examination for Certificate of Competency as Master of a foreign going ship sho holds a Certificate of Competency as first mate of a foreign going ship shall be exempted from appearing in the paper on "Safety. Carriage of Goods and Ship Maintenance". 






            47.        Places and days of examinations.—(1) Examinations for Certificates of Competency prescribed in these rules shall be held in the Mercantile marine Department at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras and any other port notified in this behalf. 

            (2)        Examination for each grade shall be held on the dates and times to be notified by the Chief Examiner. 

            (3)        Date and time for oral examinations shall be fixed by the examiner and sufficient advance notice thereof shall be given to the candidates. 

            48.        Punctuality.—Every candidate shall present himself in the examination hall prior to the commencement of examination at the appropriate hour.  Late comers shall not be admitted for examinations except under special circumstances where the examiner is satisfied that detention was caused by reasons beyond the control of the candidate.  The decision of the examiner in such matters shall be final. 

            49.        Strangers.—No person other than those whose duties require them to be present will be allowed in the examination hall. 

            50.        Papers and Books—Save as provided in rule 51, no candidate shall keep any loose papers, reference books or other notes or publications in the examination hall.  Any such paper, books, publications or notes shall be cleared out of the examination hall before commencement of the examination.  Any default by any candidate shall be deemed to be misconduct within the meaning of these rules and the defaulter shall be deemed to have failed in the examination.  In addition such  delter may be debarred from appearing for any examination under these rules for a period extending upto six months subject to the approval of the Chief Examiner. 

            51.        Provision of Books and Tables.—(1) Every candidate shall, at the time of the appropriate examination, be supplied with the following tables and books, namely :- 

                        (a)        Admirality Tide Tables :-- 

                        (i)         European Waters; 

                        (ii)         Pacific ocean and adjacent seas; 

                        (iii)        Atlantic ocean and Indian ocean.           

                        (b)        Indian Tide Tables for Indian ports; 

                        (c)        Abridged Nautical Almanac; 

(d)        International Meteorological Codes for weather reports; and 

(e)        Trim and stability particulars of a selected ship. 

            (2)        Candidates shall be required to bring their own Nautical Tables including Logarithimic Tables at the time of the appropriate examination.  Such tables shall be free of any handwritten notes and shall be submitted to the examiner for scrutiny before the commencement of the examination.  Any default shall be deemed to be a misconduct of these rules and may render the defaulter to be debarred form appearing for the examination for a period not exceeding three months. Nories and Burtons Nautical Tables shall normally be permitted for use at the appropriate examination. 

            52.        Instruments.---Candidates may, subject to prior permission of the Examiner, bring into the Examination hall their own instruments and use them for answering papers.  Candidates other than those appearing for the examinations for Certificate of Competency as second mate of a foreign going ship or as navigational watch keeping officer may be permitted to use a Slide Rules or an electronic calculator having four basic functions and a single memory.  In either case, the candidate shall be required to show the full working and obtain answers within the limits of accuracy specified in section I of Appendix 'J'. 

            53.        Damage to tables, books or instruments.  Any candidate who defaces, blots, over writes or otherwise damage any tables, books or instruments supplied by the examiner for his use shall be liable to replace such damaged tables, books or instruments by new ones.  Until such replacement is made documents submitted under rule 14 shall be detained by the examiner and if such replacement is denied the candidate shall be deemed to have failed in the examination and shall not be permitted to appear for any examination subsequently until such replacement is made. 

            54.        Leaving Examination Hall.—No candidate shall leave the examination hall without permission and without handing over his answer paper to the examiner.  Under no circumstances will a candidate be allowed to leave the building while the examination is in progress.  Defaulters shall be deemed to have failed in the examination. 

            55.        Answer Papers.---(1) No candidate shall work out problems on any paper except the answer papers supplied to candidates.  Blotting paper supplied to candidates shall not be used for rough working. Such blotting papers shall be returned to the examiner at the end of each day.  Defaulters shall be deemed to have failed in the examination. 

            (2)        All work on answer papers, except sketches, shall be in ink, sketches may be drawn in pencil. 

            (3)        Answers shall be written in clear and legible hand.  At the commencement of answer for every question its serial number shall be written in the left hand margin of the answer paper. 

            56.        Copying during examination.—Copying from answer papers of other candidates or use of unauthorized books, publications rules or other manuscripts whatsoever or affording any other candidates assistance for copying from his own answer papers or otherwise communicating with any other candidate any information shall be strictly prohibited.  Any such defaulter shall be deemed to have failed in the examination.  He may also be debarred from appearing for any examination under these rules for a period not exceeding six months subject to the approval of the Chief Examiner. 

            57.        Misconduct.—Save as otherwise provided in these rules, a candidate found guilty of any misconduct, including insolence to examiner or other examination staff or improper or disorderly conduct in the examination hall, or a breach of any of these rules may be liable for punishment in one or more of the ways specified hereinunder, namely:- 

(i)         Where the examination has not commenced or is not completed the candidate may be debarred from appearing for or, as the case may be, to take further part therein. 

(ii)         Where the result of any examination is declared the result of the candidate may be amended; 

(iii)        Where the candidate has been declared successful in the examination but has not been granted the necessary certificate, the certificate may be with held for such period as may be decided by the Chief Examiner; and 

(iv)        In addition the candidate may be debarred from appearing in any Examination under these rules for such period as may be specified by the Chief Examiner. 



            58.        General.—(1) Examinations for Certificate of Compentency shall be held in parts as specified in sub-rule (1) of rules 4 of 10 (inclusive) 

            (2)        Subject to the provisions of rule 63, a candidate may apply for examination in any part or parts of the examination for the certificate of competency for which he is eligible. 

            (3)        Syllabus for the examination for all parts shall be as specified in Appendix "J". 

            59.        Written Examination.—(1) Subject in each part of written examination for each grade, time allowed for answering question paper for each of the subjects, and the percentage of marks required to be obtained for passing that paper and that part shall be as specified in the following tables :-   


                                                                                Hours            Marks            % passing

1                                                                                  2                      3                      4

            Part 'A' 

            1.         Nautical Physics                                    3                      200                   50
            2.         Nautical Mathematics                             3                      200                   50
                                                                                                           _____               ___
                                                                                                            400                   50

             Part 'B' 

            3.         General Ship knowledge                          3                      200                   50
            4.         Bridge equipment & Watch. Keeping        2                      100                   50
            5.         Meteorology                                           2                      100                   50
                                                                                                            _____               ____
                                                                                                            400                   60 

            Part 'C' 

            6.         Practical Navigation                                3                       150                   70
            7.         Chartwork                                               2                      150                   70
            8.         Principles of Navigation                            2                      100                   60
                                                                                                            _____               ____
                                                                                                            400                   70 


            Part 'A'


            1.         Radio and electronics                              2                      100                   50
            2.         Electricity                                               2                      100                   50
            3.         Meterology, Ocean Curents & Routing       2                      100                   50
                                                                                                            _____                  __
                                                                                                              300                    60 

            Part 'B' 

            4.         Practical Navigation                                  3                      150                   70
            5.         Chartwork                                                2                      150                   70
            6.         Ship Construction and Stability                  3                      200                   50
            7.         Safe, Cargo work and Ship maintenance     3                      200                   50


            Part 'A' 

            1.         Ship construction & Stability                      3                      200                   50         

            2.         Commercial & Legal                                  2                      200                   50                                 knowledge & Ship management 

            Part 'B' 

            3.         Radio Navigational Aids                             3                      200                   50
            4.         Engineering knowledge                              3                      200                   50
                        instruments and control

            5.         Magnetism, Magnetic and                          3                      200                   50
                        Gyro Compass.                                        ____                 ____

                                                                                                                600                  60 


            Part 'A' 

            1.         Elementary Physics                                  2                      150                   50

            2.         Elementary Mathematics                           2                      150                   50
                                                                                                                ______       _____ 
                                                                                                                300                   50

            Part 'B' 

            3.         General Ship Knowledge                           3                       200                   50
            4.         Bridge Equipment and                               2                      100                   50
                        watch keeping

            5.         Meteorology                                             2                      100                   50
                                                                                                            _____                 ___

                                                                                                               400                   60


            Part 'C' 

            6.         Practical Navigation                                 3                      150                   70
            7.         Chartwork                                               2                      150                   70

                                                                                                            _____               ___

                                                                                                             300                   70

                                                                                                            _____               ____


            Part 'A' 

            1.         Practical Navigation                                 3                      150                   70
            2.         Chartwork                                               2                      150                   70
            3.         Meteorology                                            2                      100                   50
                                                                                                             _____               ___

                                                            400                   60


            Part 'B' 

            4.         Ship Construction and                            3                      200                   50


            5.         Safety Cargo work and Ship                    2                      150                   50


            6.         Magnetish, Electricity                            2                      150                   50

                        Magnetic and Gyro


_____               ___

                                                            500                   60

                                                                                                            _____               ____


            Part 'A' 

            1.         Commercial and Legal                            2                      100                   50

                        Knowledge Ship            


            2.         Elementary engineering                         2                      100

                        knowledge and Radio

                        Navigational Aids

            3.         Ship Construction and                                                 200                   50

_____               ___

                                                            400                   60


            Part 'A' 

            Mathematics                                                3                      200                   50

            Physics                                                       3                      200                   50
                                                                                                     _____               ___

                                         400                   60

            Part 'B'           

            International Maritime                                  3                      100                   50
            Agreements and Legal Knowledge


            Marine Environmental Studies                      3                      100                   50    
                                                                                                    _____               ___

                                                     200                   60

            Part 'C' 

            Naval Architecture                                     3                      200                   50

            Navigation Aids                                        3                      100                   50

            Navigation                                               3                      100                     5
                                                                                               _____               ___

                                                 400                   60

             (2)        Any candidate failing in the written part of the examination for any Certificate of Competency other for any Certificate of Competency other than for certificate of competency as Extra-Master through serious weakness shown may, at the discretion of the Chief Examiner, be required to attend a course of instruction at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical and Engineering College, Bombay or any other approved institution for a period not exceeding six months before being permitted to appear for re-examination. 

            (3)        A certificate from the Principal of the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical and Engineering College, Bombay or head of the approved institutions concerned showing period of attendance, conduct and proficiency attained during such a course shall be considered to be adequate proof for permitting the candidate for re-examination. 

            60.        Orals.—(1) Every candidate for the oral part of the examination shall present himself for such examination at the appointed time. Any candidate failing to appear for the oral examination at the appointed time without reasonable grounds may be deemed to have failed in that examination. 

            (2)        Any candidate failing in the oral part of the examination for a certificate of competency through serious weakness in practical knowledge may, at the discretion of the examiner, be required :- 

(a)        to perform further sea service for a period not exceeding six months, and/or 

(b)        to attend the lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical and Engg. College or any other approved institution for a period not exceeding six months before being permitted to appear for re-examination. 

            (3)        Such sea service specified in sub-rule (2) may be performed in any capacity on deck in a sea-going ship, and provisions of Part 1 of Chapter III shall not apply to such additional service.  Attendance at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical and Engg. College Bombay or any other approved institution shall have to be proved by a certificate from the Principal Officer of the Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical College, Bombay or head of the approved institution concerned showing period of attendance, conduct and proficiency attained during such period. 

            61.        Examination in signaling.—(1) Every candidate for the signals part of the examination shall present himself for such examination at the appointed time. 

            (2)        (a)        In the morse flashing test specified in the syllabus two-third of a mark for each correct letter or numerical from the test card consisting of sixty letters and for numericals and five marks for each correct word of the spelling message consisting of twelve words shall be allotted. 

                        (b)        In the semaphore receiving test four marks for each correct words shall be allotted. 

            (3)        A candidate obtaining 90 per cent of the total marks both in Morse Flashing and Semaphore tests shall be deemed to have passed in the examination subject to his satisfying the examiner of his proficiency in the remaining topic specified in the syllabus for the appropriate grade. 

            62.        Re-examination.—Any candidate may present himself for re-examination after one month has elapsed since his last attempt subject to provisions of rule 47, 59 and 60. 

            63.        Partial passes.—Where a candidate passes in any one or more parts of the examination, he shall be deemed to have passed the examination partially and such partial pass shall remain valid for a period of twelve months from the date of examination except that pass in Part A examination of the Certificate of Competency as second mate and first mate of a foreign going ship or navigational watch keeping officer shall be valid for all time. 

                        Provided that the Chief Examiner may, in special circumstances, extend the period of validity of partial passes by a period not exceeding two months. 

            (2)        Where any candidate falls to pass in all the remaining parts of the examination during the period of validity of partial pass he shall be required to appeal for that part or parts again at his next attempt. 

            (3)        For the purposes of this rule the date of examination mean the first day of the month in which the examination was taken. 

            64.        Recognition of partial passes in examination.—(1) Where a candidate passes in India the written part of any examination under these rules, he may appear for the remaining Parts of the examination in any country in respect of which a declaration has been made by the Central Government under section 86 of the Act recognizing certificates of competency issued by that country as equivalent to corresponding Certificate of Competency issued under the Act.  The examination in the remaining Parts may be conducted by the examining authority of such country.  In every such case, a certificate of competency shall be granted to the candidate who passes the examination in accordance with these rules. 

            (2)        Where a candidate has passed the written Part of his examination in any country in respect of which a declaration has been made by the Central Government under section 86 of the Act recognizing the certificates of competency issued by that country as equivalent to corresponding certificates of competency issued under the Act, the examination in the remaining Parts may be conducted in India on behalf of the examining authority of such country.  In every such case the Chief Examiner shall intimate the results of the examination to the examining authority of that country for issuing the relevant certificate of competency. 




             65.        Certificates .—(1) A candidate ho.-- 

(a)        passes examination under rule 45 where applicable, or rules 59, 60 and 61; and 

(b)        holds the additional certificates as required by rules 4 to 10 both inclusive; shall be deemed to have passed the whole examination. 

            (2)        Such successful candidate shall be given a letter of authority in the form F addressed to the Principal Officer of the Port opted by the candidate for delivery of the Certificate in exchange thereof as and when the Certificate of Competency is ready for issue. 

            (3)        Unless cancelled by or on behalf of the Chief Examiner letter of authority referred to in sub-rule (2) shall have the same effect as if it were a Certificate of Competency for the respective grade properly issued under these rules until such time as a Certificate of Competency is issued to the candidate. 

            66.        Partial Passes.—The results of a candidate who passes the examination for a Certificate of Competency partially within the meaning of rule 63 shall be indicated in the Form A.  The candidate may also be given the results of the examination in the Form G if he so desires.  Both the forms prescribed shall specify the date on which the candidate has passed in the respective part of the examination, the date on which he is eligible to appear for his next attempt and where a candidate is required to perform further sea service or attend a course of instruction the period of such sea service or attendance at such course. 

            67.        Insufficient service.—(1) If after declaration of result for any examination it is discovered that any candidate who is declared to have passed the examination was not entitled to appear for it for want of sufficient sea service or, as the case may be, watch keeping service the Certificate of Competency shall not be issued to him. 

            (2)        Any such candidate shall be required to be re-examined after he has completed necessary sea service, or, as the case may be, watch keeping service. 

            Provided that the Chief Examiner may, where he is satisfied that the error in the calculation of sea service, or, as the case may be, watch-keeping service was not due to any fault or willful mis-representation on the part of the candidate, dispense with the re-examination and in such case the certificate may be issued to the candidate after he has made up the deficiency in the service. 

            68.        Endorsement on Certificate.—(1) Any person holding Certificate of Competency issued under these rules may, on receiving any award from the Government, submit evidence relating to such award to the Chief Examiner together with his Certificate of Competency for an appropriate endorsement on the certificate. 

            (2)        Any person holding a Certificate of Competency issued under these rules may be obtaining any of the Certificates specified herein under submit the same to the Chief Examiner for an endorsement relating to such certificate being made on his Certificate of Competency, namely :- 

(a)        Certificate of Proficiency as Radio Officer issued by the Ministry of Communication; 

(b)        Radar Maintenance Certificate issued or approved by the Ministry of Shipping and Transport; 

(c)        Certificate of service granted in accordance to the provision of section 80 of the Act. 

            69.        Issue of certified true copy of Certificate of Competency.—(1) Where a Certificate of Competency issued under these rules or a letter of authority prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 65 is destroyed or defaced or otherwise lost the holder may obtain a certified copy thereof from the Chief Examiner.  Application for such certified copy shall be made in the Form H to the Chief Examiner through the Principal Officer, or, as the case may, the Surveyor-in-Charge of any office of the Mercantile Marine Department.  such application shall be accompanied by a declaration explaining the circumstances in which the original Certificate of Competency or the letter of authority was destroyed, defaced or otherwise lost.  The declaration shall be made in the presence of the Principal Officer as the case may be, the Surveyor-in-Charge of the Officer of the Mercantile Marine Department to whom the application is made for onward transmission to the Chief Examiner. 

            (2)        Every application for a certified copy of a certificate of competency, or letter of authority shall be accompanied by appropriate fees specified Appendix I. 

            Provided that no fee shall be payable where the cause of loss of a certificate or letter f authority is a shipwreck or a fire on board a ship. 




            70.        Examination in sight test only.---(1) Every person desiring to take seafaring as a profession whether he is eligible for appearing for any examination for Certificate of Competency or not is advised to avail the earliest opportunity to verify that his vision is upto the required standard and appear for a signal test separately. 

            (2)        Any such person shall submit his application to the Principal Officer of the Mercantile Marine Department at any part of examination in the Form I.  such application shall be accompanied by appropriate fees as specified in Appendix I. 

            (3)        Sight test examination shall be held at the office of the Mercantile Marine Department at Bombay, Marmugoa, Cochin, Madras, Visakhapatnam and Calcutta. 

            (4)        Results of the prescribed test shall be indicated on a certificate to be issued in Form J. 

            71.        Removal of Difficulties..(1) Any candidate who has appeard for an examination for certificate of competency under 1954 rules and is not successful in that examination on the date when these rules came into force shall be permitted to appear for any examination for grade of Certificate of Competency as detailed below subject to his complying with the requirements of sea service, age and additional certificates. 

Certificate of Competency                       Equivalent grade of Certificate under 1954 rules                            of Competency under these rules 

(a) Second Mate(F.G.)                                        Second Mate of a Foreign-going ship. 

(b) First Mate (F.G.)                                           First Mate of a Foreign-going ship.

(c) Master (F.G.)                                                Master of a Foreign-going ship. 

(d) Mate (M.T.)                                                   Navigational watch-keeping officer. 

(e) Master (H.T.)                                                Mate of Home Trade Ship. 

(f)  Master (H.T.)                                                 Combined examination for
                                                             Mate of a home trade ship and
                                                             Master of a home trade ship if

                                                             having a watch-keeping service

                                                             of at least 36 months.  

            (2)        A partial pass in signals and oral parts of the examination under 1954 rules shall be considered to be a partial pass in the respective examination for the equivalent certificate of competency specified in sub-rule (1). 

            (3)        Any candidate who has passed in the written parts of the examination for certificate of competency as Second Mate (F.G.).  First Mate (F.G.), and Master (F.G.) under 1954 rules and has not passed either of the signals or the oral parts of the examination shall be permitted to complete the signals or the oral parts of the examination for the equivalent Certificate of Competency specified in sub-rule (1). 

(4)        Any candidate who has passed in the written parts of the examination for Certificate of Competency as mate (H.T.) or Master (H.T.) under 1954 rules and has not passed either the orals or the signals part of the examination shall be permitted to complete the signals or oral part of the examination for the equivalent Certificate of Competency specified in sub-rule (1); but such candidate shall be granted a Certificate of Competency under 1954 Rules.  

            (5)        A valid partial pass in written, signals or oral parts of the examination referred to in sub-rule (2), (3) and (4) of this rule shall be valid for a further period of six months from the date when these rules come into force. 

            (6)        Any candidate who has failed in the written part of the examination for any Certificate of Competency under 1954 rules shall be permitted to appear for the examination for any Certificate of Competency under 1954 rules shall be permitted to appear for the examination in the written part for the equivalent certificate of competency specified in sub-rule (1) subject to the following conditions:- 

(a)        A candidate shall be considered to have passed a subject for the written examination for the equivalent certificate of competency under rules, wherever applicable, if he has secured more than pass marks or 60 per cent of marks in similar subject, which ever is more at his last attempt under 1954 rules : 

Provided that the exemptions granted above shall be valid only for a period of 6 months from the date of coming into force of these rules. 

(b)        A candidate for certificate of competency as Second Mate (F.G.) under 1954 rules who has obtained more than 50 per cent marks in Physics or Mathematics at any one of his attempts, shall be considered to have reached the standard of education specified in clause (c) of sub-rule (2) of rule 4 in that subject.

(c)        A candidate for Certificate of Competency as First Mate (F.G.) under 1954 rules who has obtained more than 50 per cent marks in Electricity or Radio Electronics or Meteorology at any one of his attempts shall be exempted from appearing in these subjects under these rules for all time. 

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