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Maritime Health Branch



Any medical examiner requiring to get empanelled with this Directorate needs to complete the Familiarisation Course for Medical Examiners of Seafarers as per M.S. Notice No.01 of 2015 dated 16.01.2015 from one of the institutes listed below.

List of Maritime Training Institutes issued with NOC for conduct of Familiarization/Refresher Course for Medical Examiners of Seafarers as per M.S. Notice No. 1 of 2015 dated 16.01.2015.      

Ø  http://dgshipping.gov.in/WriteReadData/userfiles/file/list_mti_noc_revised.pdf

Once a medical examiner is empanelled with this Directorate, he is required to apply for the username/password to upload the medical certificate of the seafarer on the DG Shipping website. The process for this is as specified in  DGS Circular No. 3 of 2018 dated 22.01.2018.

Ø  http://www.dgshipping.gov.in/writereaddata/ShippingNotices/201801220340034168646Trg_Cir3_2018.pdf

The request for password may be forwarded to 1) amolraut-dgs@gov.in 2) danieljohn-dgs@gov.in


Updated list of approved Medical Examiners of Seafarers.


1.1.   Please note that list displayed is State-wise with DGS approval No. and validity specified in the respective columns.

1.2.   List of Medical Examiners who have undergone Familiarisation Course in terms of M.S. Notice No. 1 of 2015 dated 16.01.2015, but not yet submitted Renewed Medical Council Registration is listed below. 

     Ø http://dgshipping.gov.in/WriteReadData/userfiles/file/renewal_lsit_17.11.2023pdf

On receipt of renewal status / requisite documents, the Medical Examiners will be displayed under the Approved List..

1.3.   Renewal of approval of Medical Examiners will be considered on the basis of Medical Council renewed Registration validityIn case the registration validity is lifetime, the Medical Examiner needs to submit a ‘Certificate of Good Standing’ issued by the respective Medical Council.   

1.4.   *The approval is deemed to have expired if registration with the relevant Medical Council is not re-validated.

  1.5.    Extension of Approval as Medical Examiner beyond the age of 65 years will be considered subject to submission of request    application along with medical fitness, valid medical council registration and compliance of the instruction/guidelines issued by the Directorate General of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, Government of India from time to time as Medical Examiner to conduct Medical Examination of seafarers in accordance with Rule 04 of MS (Medical Examination) Rules, 2000, as amended.


Applicable Rules, M.S. Notice, Orders etc, for the reference of the authorised Medical Examiners is available in this Directorate’s website ‘www.dgshipping.gov.in’ and the non exhaustive list is reproduced for information;

3.1.     Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Rules, 2000

Ø  http://dgshipping.gov.in/WriteReadData/userfiles/file/ms_rules_medical_examination_100914.pdf

3.2.      Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Amendment Rules, 2016

Ø  http://dgshipping.gov.in/WriteReadData/userfiles/file/ms_medical_exam_amendment_rules2016.pdf

3.3.      Merchant Shipping (Medicines Medical Stores Appliances) Rules, 1994

 Ø  http://dgshipping.gov.in/Content/PageUrl.aspx?page_name=MedicinesMedicalStoresandAppliancesRules1994  

3.4.     Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Medical Officer) Rules, 1961

Ø  http://dgshipping.gov.in/Content/PageUrl.aspx?page_name=CarriageOfMedicalOfficerRule1961

3.5.    Merchant Shipping Notice No.  01 of 2015 dated 16.01.2015 [Revised Procedure for approval of Medical Examiners of Seafarers as per Rule 4 of the MS Medical Examination Rules, 2000]

Ø  http://dgshipping.gov.in/writereaddata/ShippingNotices/201501190544544622033msnotice1_2015.pdf

3.6.   DGS Order No. 2 of 2017 dated 22.05.2017 [Inspection of Medicines, Medical Stores and appliances and issuance of Certificate under Rule 8 (3) of Merchant Shipping (Medicines, Medical Stores and Appliances) Rules, 1994, by DGS approved medical examiners.

Ø  http://dgshipping.gov.in/writereaddata/ShippingNotices/201705220511195330322dgs_order_02of2017.pdf   

 3.7     DGS Order No. 10 of 2018 dated 22.11.2018 [Ship Sanitation Control Certificate / Ship Sanitation Control
           Exemption Certificate]
Ø  http://www.dgshipping.gov.in/writereaddata/ShippingNotices/201811260426010566274DGS_Order_10of2018_revised.pdf



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