DGS Circulars   (Click here to view All)

Branch Name : Marine Casuality Investigation
Notice No. of Year Title Issued Date
10 of 2021 Sinking of Inland Vessel cargo barge resulting loss of five lives 27/12/2023
9 of 2021 Disabled vessel listing, leading to its sinking in heavy weather conditions 27/12/2023
8 of 2021 Loss of life of fumigator, who entered cargo hold (enclosed space) for pre-fumigation preparation 06/11/2023
7 of 2021 Sinking of Tug in Andaman Sea 06/11/2023
6 of 2021 Sinking of Tug due to cyclone Tauktae, resulting in 11 loss of lives 06/11/2023
5 of 2021 Loss of lives due to sinking of the accommodation work barge 06/11/2023
4 of 2021 Loss of lives due to sinking of tug 06/11/2023
3 of 2021 One of the crew member lost overboard, while working on the bow during severe weather conditions 06/11/2023
2 of 2021 Loss of lives of Indian Fishermen due to merchant vessel colliding with fishing boat 06/11/2023
1 of 2021 Loss of lives due to fire in the engine room 06/11/2023
20 of 2013 Case of missing Master from tug off Namibia 05/09/2013
19 of 2013 Case of missing Seaman from a Bulk carrier. 17/05/2013
18 of 2013 Case of missing Chief Cook from an Oil tanker. 17/05/2013
17 of 2013 Case of missing 3rd Officer from an Oil tanker 17/05/2013
16 of 2013 Case of passenger jumping overboard from a passenger ship. 16/05/2013
15 of 2013 Case of missing crew from an Oil tanker. 16/05/2013
14 of 2013 Case of missing deck officer from a supply vessel. 07/05/2013
13 of 2013 Case of missing Cadet from a bulk carrier. 07/05/2013
12 of 2013 Case of suicide attempt by Junior Engineer by jumping overboard from a Container ship. 07/05/2013
11 of 2013 Suicide by Supernumerary from a passenger vessel off Bahamas. 08/05/2013
10 of 2013 Case of missing Oiler from a tug alongside the port. 14/05/2013
9 of 2013 Case of missing AB from a Dredger. 06/05/2013
8 of 2013 Case of missing Cadet from a container ship 02/05/2013
7 of 2013 Suicide by Chief Officer by jumping overboard from a Chemical tanker. 30/04/2013
6 of 2013 Case of missing Cadet from a bulk carrier 01/05/2013
5 of 2013 Suicide by 3rd Officer from a Container Vessel. 30/04/2013
4 of 2013 Case of missing 5th Engineer from a Container Ship. 02/05/2013
3 of 2013 Death of Junior Officer who jumped overboard from a vessel at anchorage to swim 02/05/2013
2 of 2013 Damage to ship's hull during berthing. 04/04/2013
1 of 2013 Fire in Containers. 07/02/2013
32 of 2009 Grounding of General Cargo vessel Flag - Foreign, in Indian waters. 29/09/2009
31 of 2009 Sinking of Self Propelled Barge in Indian waters on 19.04.2009 23/09/2009
30 of 2009 Sinking of Mechanized Sailing Vessel (MSV) due to bad weather in February, 2009 07/09/2009
29 of 2009 Sinking of Mechanized Fishing Vessel in Bay of Bengal on 12.8.2008 07/09/2009
28 of 2009 Sinking of Mechanized Sailing Vessel at High sea on 06.6.2009 07/09/2009
27 of 2009 Collision between General Cargo and Bulk Carrier vessel flying same flagn in Indian waters 07/09/2009
26 of 2009 Contact damage to oil jetty due to dragging of anchor. 07/09/2009
25 of 2009 Death of Master on Oil Tanker 17/08/2009
24 of 2009 Oil pollution incident from an Indian ship during berthing operation in foreign port 17/08/2009
23 of 2009 Shipping Casualty of Tug & Barge as composite unit fitted with Articulated Coupling System during cyclonic weather conditions in Indian waters. 07/08/2009
22 of 2009 Collision between General Cargo ship and Bulk carrier in Indian waters. 04/08/2009
21 of 2009 Collision between two foreign flag vessels off Indian port 04/08/2009
20 of 2009 Shipping Casualty on vehicle ferry vessel operating in the vicinity of islands in Indian waters 04/08/2009
19 of 2009 Collision between container ship and Motor launch in Indian port during berthing operations 04/08/2009
18 of 2009 Drifting ship during South West monsoon months off Indian Coast 04/08/2009
17 of 2009 Safe access to persons during ship to ship Transfer operations 04/08/2009
16 of 2009 Shipping casualty during routine boat Drill at anchorage. 04/08/2009
15 of 2009 Collision between Oil Tanker flag - foreign & Dredger- flag- India in Indian waters. 17/07/2009
14 of 2009 Contact damage to jetty in an Indian Port by an Oil Tanker. 17/07/2009
13 of 2009 Hull damage sustained by Indian flag Research Vessel at sea in 2005. 17/07/2009
12 of 2009 Grounding of passenger vessel in the proximity of Islands in Indian waters. 17/07/2009
11 of 2009 Missing General Cargo Ship over 25 years of age in Black Sea. 17/07/2009
10 of 2009 Sinking of General Cargo ship of over 25 years age during her voyage in Indian waters. 17/07/2009
9 of 2009 Collision between Multipurpose Cargo Ship, GT-19878 Flag-Foreign, and Bulk Carrier, GT-26341, flag -Foreign at Hazira anchorage in 2006. 17/07/2009
8 of 2009 Collapse of Cargo Crane on board Bulk carrier during cargo operations in Indian port in March, 2008. 17/07/2009
7 of 2009 Pump Room Flooding on board an oil tanker at sea - flag - India in August, 2007 17/07/2009
6 of 2009 Grounding of Bulk Carrier age of over 25 years, during Severe S.W. monsoon months. 23/06/2009
5 of 2009 Grounding of General Cargo ship age over 25 years during severe S.W. monsoon months in Indian waters. 23/06/2009
4 of 2009 Collision between Offshore Supply Vessel Flag- Foreign and Anchor Handling Tug, Flag - foreign, in December, 2006 23/06/2009
3 of 2009 Grounding of General Cargo vessel age over 25 years during severe monsoonic months in Indian waters 30/03/2009
2 of 2009 Stranding of Fishing Vessel in Indian port during severe monsoon months 16/02/2009
1 of 2009 Grounding of Bulk Carrier in ballast condition in Indian water during monsoon months 02/02/2009
6 of 2006 Casualty Circular 6 of 2006 06/06/2006
5 of 2006 Fire on Board Fishing Trawler 30/08/2006
4 of 2006 Casualty Circular 4 of 2006 12/06/2006
3 of 2006 Fatal Accident due to Explosion in Auxiliary Boiler Furnace 21/02/2006
2 of 2006 Casualty Circular 2 of 2006 01/02/2006
1 of 2006 Casualty circular 1 of 2006 24/01/2006

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